Embracing Humility in Martial Arts: A Journey of Lifelong Learning
Martial arts isn’t just about kicks, punches, and fancy techniques; it’s also a profound journey of personal growth and self-discovery. Embracing humility in martial arts is a big part of this journey, and it opens the door to endless possibilities for learning and improvement.
Humility helps martial artists acknowledge their strengths while also recognizing their weaknesses. It encourages them to seek guidance from instructors and peers, to be open to feedback, and to always strive for progress. In a world where ego can often hinder true development, humility acts as a guiding light, keeping practitioners grounded and focused on their goals.
By embracing humility, martial artists embark on a path of lifelong learning. They understand that mastery is not a destination but a continuous process of growth and refinement. Every training session, sparring match, and interaction with fellow martial artists becomes an opportunity to learn something new about themselves and the art.
The journey of embracing humility in martial arts is truly transformative. It teaches practitioners not only how to become better martial artists but also better individuals. As they navigate the challenges and triumphs of their training, they cultivate physical skills, mental resilience, emotional intelligence, and a deep respect for themselves and others. In this way, humility becomes not just a virtue but a way of life for those who walk the martial arts path.

Timetable from 16 May 2024
(Tuesday White/Yellow Kids class is now 5.00pm)

On behalf of the entire Black Belt Plus community, we want to wish you a very happy birthday filled with joy, happiness, and lots of great memories.
We feel incredibly proud of all that you have accomplished on your journey to becoming skilled martial artists. Your dedication, hard work, and perseverance have been truly inspiring to see, and we have no doubt that you will continue to achieve great things in the years ahead.
Remember, the lessons you learn on the mat can be applied to all areas of your life, and we are confident that your martial arts training will continue to benefit you in countless ways as you move forward.
Once again, happy birthday, and we hope this day is everything you wished for and more. Keep up the great work, and continue to train hard, stay focused, and always believe in yourself.

“The only wisdom we can hope to acquire is the wisdom of humility: humility is endless.”
~ T.S. Eliot

Harry and Friends Homework Sheets are now available in your Spark Member App.
To access this Little Ninjas and Kids curriculum on the App, go to Curriculum >> Character Development Program.
Our Little Ninjas and Kids are studying Humility this month.
We’ll cover the value of Humility each week.

Click Event to RSVP👇
What’s On June and July
➤PNO: Nerf War – 7 June 2024
➤Teens & Adults Grading – 21 June 2024
➤Little Ninjas and Kids Grading – 22 June 2024
➤School Holidays – Friends and Siblings Train FREE: 22 June – 7 July
➤PNO: Gaming Night – 5 July 2024
➤Park Training – 13 July 2024
➤Stripe Testing Week: 22 – 27 July 2024

Does Your Child Have Self Discipline?
We’re pretty sure you can relate to those parents you see out in restaurants with their young children reminding them to sit up straight and eat properly. How about those parents in shopping centres who are constantly telling their children not to run or scream. Then there are those parents who you often hear being upset with their children for not playing fairly or sharing their toys. Oh, and let’s not forget those parents who get interrupted by their children when talking to someone else. All too familiar, right?
Without a doubt, disciplining children is one of the major challenges of parenting. Young children can’t help it as they are naturally impulsive. That is why we need all the help we can get in this department, whether we like to admit it or not. Especially since we want them to be able to exercise discipline when we are not around because a child who knows how to practice self-discipline will be able to take on different challenges. A child who does the right thing even when no one is looking will certainly do well in life.
Here are some ways we can help our children develop self-discipline:
Teach children to come when they are called. This is probably the most basic and the earliest things that a child should learn. Toddlers should master this as soon as they start walking or talking. What happens though, is that when children get pre-occupied with other things such as toys or gadgets, they tend to ignore the call because they do not want to stop what they are doing. Teach your children to learn how to distinguish what is more important and to learn how to stop what they are currently doing in order to attend to the more important matter.
Teach children to respond positively to correction. A lot of children don’t take corrections very well. Most children do not like being corrected at all, and often react negatively. Let them know that this is never acceptable and that we will always be faced with a situation wherein we will have to do things we may not like and as long as it is not something that is bad or will cause harm to others then we will have to do it. They must learn how to accept these things and do it with a good attitude. This will require a certain level of self-discipline from them and may be difficult to do, but it is one thing that will help them throughout life.
A number of social skills require self-control. D iscipline is the foundation for a lot of social skills, that is why it is important for young children to master this early on. Acknowledge your children’s efforts when they show improvement and in the same breath, let them know which areas still need some work. Observe your children to find out what kind of approach works best for them. Each one is different, so what might work for one child may not always work for the others.
Encourage children to take on activities which build self-discipline. Engage your children to take up an after school or weekend activities that can help you. Sports or music lessons, an
easy, age-appropriate job or chore often helps a lot. Martial Arts has become the smart choice for most parents as they see the results quickly and have noted how much the sport has helped their children in more ways than they ever expected.
Associate things to self-discipline whenever possible. W hen your child comes home from school with a good grade or praises from his or her teacher, talk about how self-discipline played a part in that. Explain how chores are given not only to get the task done but mainly to develop responsibility and build self-discipline. “I know how hard it is to get up early on weekends, but you still do so to attend your martial arts class. That shows a lot of self-discipline, and I am proud of you for that.” or “I know that staying in bed and playing with your iPad seems like a better thing to do but thank you for choosing to complete your chores instead.”
Use bedtime to teach self-discipline. Raise your glass of wine if bedtime is a constant struggle. It is the end of the day, and you would think that children will be eager to go to sleep after a full day of activities, right? Yet, somehow, it still takes a lot to get them to go to bed and stay quietly in it until they fall asleep. Let this be a learning opportunity for children to exercise self-discipline. They should be able to get to bed at a certain time and fall asleep soon enough without any distractions and without needing mommy or daddy to check up on them every so often.
Morning routines, chores, and family schedules become opportunities for children to learn responsibility and self-discipline. When they complete their responsibilities well and on time, offer a simple reward or privilege. When they make their beds and keep their rooms clean for 7 days straight, they may deserve 30 minutes more of screen time on weekends. If they are able to do their homework well on their own, they may be given a chance to choose what they want to bring for lunch. Simple rewards like that can prove to be great motivators for young children.
As with everything else, be a good role model. Our children do notice everything we say and do, and unfortunately, they think that it is always right. Be careful when around them and when you do make a mistake, take the time to explain it to them so that they know not to imitate it.
We know that it can be tempting and is definitely easier to let children do what they want, especially when we are tired from working the whole day. It is important though that we exert extra effort to instill discipline in children early on because if not, things will only be more difficult.
Doing so will help parents nurture other social skills with less hassle and will also help ensure the child success as they grow up. It is hard work, but it will definitely be all worth it in the end.

Hi there!
Welcome to Black Belt Plus!
We can’t wait to support you in achieving your martial arts objectives and having FUN along the way!
Here are a few things you may do to keep updated:
1. Join our Black Belt Plus Community group on Facebook.
This is our members-only Facebook page where you can access videos, class photos, and information about forthcoming events. Please join here.
2. Regularly check the SPARK Member App.
For weekly updates, educational materials, and our online store for all events and products. Enter the email associated to your membership when prompted to log in, then choose “Send password again” to get the activation email.
Your Log in Credentials:
USERNAME: (your email address)
PASSWORD: (create a password)
And be sure to enter our school’s code: 2686
3. Download your Student Success Booklet
To learn everything about our school, facility, and programs, download your booklet here.
4. Check-in for your classes via the computer at reception
When you arrive at our centre, it’s crucial to sign in and record your attendance at the computer. Between your belt levels, every program has a minimum attendance requirement.
5. Drop off and pick up
Parents are requested to be present for the last 5 minutes of every class to safely escort your child to the car, and to hear our weekly announcements.
6. Missed Classes
If you won’t be attending class, please let us know. Call us or message us using the “Spark Member” app, or send an email to info@blackbeltplus.com.au. To be eligible to grade to your next belt, missed classes must be made up during the same term.
Our entire team is here to support you in your martial arts journey and to see you achieve your best results.
- Maddy Maloney
- Hunter Peterson
- Mehaknoor Kaur
- Shrinika Reddy
- Jesse Poulsen
- Brayden Cass
- Damon Cass
- Bruno Montes
- Ziggy Pocuca
- Harrison Mallett
- Alexander Ilieff
We extend a warm welcome to our school! Our community hopes that you have an enjoyable time here and gain knowledge from our programs. Whether you aim to improve your martial arts skills or broaden your understanding of the world, we are committed to supporting you in achieving your goals. It is our desire that both on and off the mat, we all strive to be our optimal selves. I look forward to seeing you in class! Chief Instructor Jonathon

Harry and Friends is a program for all our young students to help reinforce the life lessons we talk about every day. The program gives us a lot of highly effective tools to help instil positive character development in our youngest students including animations, visual aids and colouring sheets!
The main character “Harry” will serve as a positive role model to all our 3-6 years old in not only teaching them abstract concepts like self discipline and respect, but demonstrating real life behaviours like cleaning their room and saying “yes mum” and “no mum”. This example will help them really work on internalising those behaviours themselves.
“Harry and Friends” mat chat series for the Little Ninja program also has a game that can be downloaded from the Apple app store – click the image (top right) to install.

Stripe Testing
Stripe Testing Week – is the last week of each month and classes will follow a testing style format.
During stripe testing week Instructors test students on specific skills.
If students can perform the skill correctly and with intensity, they earn their stripe. Students must earn 3 different coloured skill stripes to be eligible to attend a Grading Test.
If a student is unsuccessful in obtaining their stripe in a particular month, there is an opportunity just before the grading test to retest for their stripes. So the secret to keeping up-to-date with the curriculum and passing the stripe testing is that you need to practice at home.

Grading Tests
Grading tests are special ceremonies where students are tested for their next belt rank. They are a little different from stripe testing.
At a Grading Test, Senior Instructors test students for their next belt rank.
They are assessing the skills learned for the previous 3 month term as well as students’ intensity, courage, resilience and black belt attitude.
Since you have just started your martial arts journey, your instructor will let you know in class whether you’ll be ready for this test or whether you should focus on the next test in 3 months time. If you are unsure, your should see your Instructor for feedback.
Here are 10 tips for a successful belt examination:
1. Train with diligence
2. Get to know your grading requirements
3. Train with different partners
4. Always train with a martial arts spirit
5. Ask your instructors what to work on
6. On the day of grading… be prepared
7. Stay focused, Stay alert!
8. Give your best and stay humble
9. Show your martial arts, according to your level
10. Don’t rush and don’t give up!
Black Belt Plus Martial Arts Centre
1/48 Junction Rd Burleigh Heads, QLD, 4220
📞 5522 0755
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